Commercial P&C Insurers Guide to Solving the Underwriting Bottleneck

Most Commercial P&C Insurers get more submissions than they can handle. On top of that, the average underwriter spends 40% of their time on manual data extraction and rekeying data.

These factors result in profitable business being left on the table.

We call this the Underwriting Bottleneck. 

Our Guide provides actionable advice on evaluating your current workflows, opening dialogue between teams, and identifying opportunities for improvement with the right technology.

Key insights: 

  • Attempting to fully automate intake and remove your experts will not provide high data quality and increase risk.
  • Combine AI technology with humans-in-the-loop (your experts) to extract data from your unstructured documents with 100% accuracy.
  • A data extraction solution that provides 100% data quality is key to improving submission prioritization (or triage) to find the best submissions faster and grow your business.
  • Introducing AI technology has proven to contribute to job satisfaction, help train new employees, and retain your experts. In a study published by The Institutes, 60% of Millennials found analyzing risks and recommending ways for companies to overcome them to be appealing.

Download the full guide to dive deeper: 

  • Where to start
  • Real-world examples and case studies from leading insurers
  • Identify and prioritize use cases that score the highest on our self-assessment questions to start a business case


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SortSpoke brought the right combination of people, processes and technology. They were easy to work with and our productivity increased considerably with the SortSpoke system.

Brian Wilkinson
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The addition of SortSpoke into the mix was key. With hundreds of clients, each with their variations and formats of documents for us to intake, using traditional OCR techniques to get at the data would have taken us years to do. With SortSpoke, we could speed up the development process and take on a broader range of formats that we could automate.

Mike Ackroyd
CIO, SCM Insurance Services